About us

The cultural association “Economia civile” aims at promoting scientific research and cultural and political debate on the mutual relations between the economy and the civil development of society, along the path signed by Giacomo Matteotti, Gaetano Salvemini, Ernesto Rossi, Norberto Bobbio and Paolo Sylos Labini.

To this aim, the association (registered in Italy as a non-profit organization) carries on several activities, among which the management of research projects, editing journals, books and other publications, and specifically the two academic journals Moneta e Credito and PSL Quarterly Review.

Founding members of the association are: Alessandro Roncaglia (president), Marcella Corsi, Carlo D’Ippoliti, Paolo Palazzi, Roberto Petrini, Mario Tonveronachi.

The governing board is currently composed of the founding members and new members: Giulio Guarini, Elisabetta Montanaro, Daniela Palma, Gaetano Sabatini and Giulia Zacchia (treasurer).

To contact the association leave a message at the “Contatti” page or write an email to pslqr@uniroma1.it   or  monetaecredito@uniroma1.it .

The original Statute of the association is available here, while an English translation follows.



Denomination – Aims and scope – Financial statements – Members

Art. 1 – The cultural association “Economia civile” is hereby constituted (also referred to here as the “Association”).

Art. 2 – The Association is located in Rome.

Art. 3 – The Association aims at promoting scientific research and cultural and political debate on the links between the economy and the civil development of society, along the path paved by Giacomo Matteotti, Gaetano Salvemini, Ernesto Rossi, Norberto Bobbio and Paolo Sylos Labini.

Art. 4 – The Association may promote or take part into any activity related to its scope. These activities include, but are not limited to: organization and execution of research projects, conferences and workshops; the publication of journals, books or other information materials; creating and managing websites. Within its activities, the Association may cooperate with universities; research centres; and other cultural institutions.

Art. 5 – The Association is a non-profit organisation. Any profit from its activities may under no circumstances be distributed among its members and will necessarily be invested in the Association’s activities.

Art. 6 – The Association’s assets include: any movable and immovable property that shall become property of the Association; reserve funds constituted with budget surplus; any donation, transfer or bequest from private or public entities.

The Association’s revenues are constituted by: membership fees; revenues from the organisation of cultural or social activities; any revenue that shall concur to the increase of the Association’s assets.

Art. 7 – The financial year ends on December 31st of every year. By March 31st, the Board of Directors approves the previous year’s balance sheets, as well as the estimated budget for the current year.

Art. 8 – Members are: Founding Members (all those who participated in the Association’s founding or that are coopted by the Board of Directors in its first meeting); Regular Members (all individuals who apply and are admitted upon approval of the Board of Directors by absolute majority); Institutional members (all private and public legal entities, either incorporated or not, that apply and are admitted upon approval of the Board of Directors by absolute majority).

Membership status may be forfeited due to death, resignation, or dismissal due to unethical behaviour, voted on by the Board of Directors by absolute majority.


Managing Bodies

Art. 9 – The Association is comprised of the following bodies: the Members’ General Assembly, the Board of Directors, the President, the Secretary and Treasurer, and the Audit Committee.

Art. 10 – The Members’ General Assembly meets at least once a year to examine the Association’s activities and gives guidance for its future developments. It appoints the Audit Committee.

Art. 11 – The Board of Directors manages and operates the Association; it is composed of the Founding Members and by those other members that are elected by the Board itself by absolute majority. It meets at least once a year, and may be summoned without specific formalities, including verbally.

The Board of Directors is elected for a three-years term and can be re-elected. In case of resignation or vacancy of one of the components of the Board of Directors, the General Assembly comprising both Founding Members and Regular Members elects a new component of the Board of Directors.

Art. 12 – The President is elected by the Board of Directors by absolute majority of those present. The President manages and presides over the Association and acts as its legal representative; he or she convenes and presides over the Board of Directors and the Members’ General Assembly.

The President may choose among the components of the Board of Directors a Secretary/Treasurer, who: acts as a temporary substitute in cases of President’s absence or impediment or when he or she is so appointed; prepares the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors; helps the President in the implementation of the deliberations by the Members’ General Assembly’s and/or the Board of Directors; drafts the previous year’s balance sheets, as well as the estimated budget for the current year. In case of the Secretary/Treasurer’s absence, its relevant duties are fulfilled by the President.

Art. 13 – Neither the President, the members of the Board of Directors or any other members of the Association are allowed to receive any compensation or other remuneration for the fulfillment of their functions within the Association or for their activities in the interest of the Association.

Art. 14 – The Audit Committee audits the Association’s balance sheets . It comprises three members, appointed by the Members’ General Assembly. The members of the Audit Committee are in charge of verifying the lawful and correct management of the Association’s bookkeeping and they may in any moment proceed individually or collectively with investigations or inspections.


Final and transitory provisions

Art. 15 – The present Statute may be modified by absolute majority of jointly the Board of Directors and the Founding Members.

Art. 16 – The dissolution of the Association is decided by the Members’ General Assembly upon the Board of Directors’ proposal and with the agreement of a majority of the Founding Members. Following a positive vote, the Members’ General Assembly shall appoint one or more liquidators and decide over the devolution of the Association’s assets, which must preferably be destined to other non-profit associations with similar or proximate statutory goals or with aims of public utility, unless differently provided by law.

Art. 17 – For  all aspects not covered by the present Statute the Italian Civil Code, specific provisions on non-profit associations and any other relevant Italian laws shall apply.