Call for papers: The economic consequences of the war

PSL Quarterly Review is joining forces with Investigación Económica and The Japanese Political Economy for a joint special issue on the economic consequences of the Russia-Ukraina war.

We hope that the diversity of histories and realities of our journals and their communities will provide the opportunity for an inclusive, plural and diverse debate, encompassing and valuing views from all continents, both higher-income and lower-income countries, and all schools and approaches of economics.

Given the topicality and urgency of the subject matter, the journals are committed to publish the special issue in the summer 2023. Therefore, the deadline for submissions is 31 March 2023.

Submissions should be made using the usual channels of the respective journals, and they will be managed jointly by the three journals. All accepted articles will be published on one of the three journals depending on the topic and fit with other submissions, irrespective of where they were originally submitted.

This call is an experiment in collaboration between journals. At least in so far as we are concerned, it is explicitly in dissent with hyper-competitive practices that do not reflect the standards and good practice of scientific inquiry. We hope it will pave the way for other, more frequent occasions of cooperation.