E’ stato pubblicato un volume in onore di Alessandro Roncaglia, a cura di Marcella Corsi, Jan Kregel e Carlo D’Ippoliti.
Raccoglie 16 saggi:
- The Reconstruction of an Alternative Economic Thought: Some Premises (Salvatore Biasco)
- Reflections on Unity and Diversity, the Market and Economic Policy Jan Kregel
- Ending Laissez-Faire Finance (Mario Tonveronachi)
- Democracy in Crisis: So What’s New? (Michele Salvati)
- The Democracy of Ideas: J. S. Mill, Liberalism and the Economic Debate (Marcella Corsi and Carlo D’Ippoliti)
- Turgot and the Division of Labor (Peter Groenewegen)
- Agricultural Surplus and the Means of Production (Gianni Vaggi)
- The Role of Sraffa Prices in Post-Keynesian Pricing Theory (Geoffrey C. Harcourt)
- Classical Underconsumption Theories Reassessed (Cosimo Perrotta)
- On the “Photograph” Interpretation of Piero Sraffa’s Production Equations. A View from the Sraffa Archive (Heinz D. Kurz, Neri Salvadori)
- On the Earliest Formulations of Sraffa’s Equations (Nerio Naldi)
- Normal and Degenerate Solutions of the Walras-Morishima Model (Bertram Schefold)
- Trading in the “Devil’s Metal”: Keynes’s Speculation and Investment in Tin (1921–1946) (Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Annalisa Rosselli)
- The Oil Question, the Prices of Production and a Metaphor (Sergio Parrinello)
- Europe and Italy: Expansionary Austerity and Expansionary Precariousness (Davide Antonioli, Paolo Pini)
- Adam Smith and the Neophysiocrats: War of Ideas in Spain (1800–1804) (Alfonso Sánchez Hormigo)